Minnesota’s Green Path program, founded in 2011 by Housing First Minnesota, provides easy-to-understand energy efficiency reports for homeowners and provides recognition for builders dedicated to green construction. Green Path-certified homes are tested by third-party raters and help homeowners understand the energy efficiency of their homes. When a home is tested, it receives a Home Performance Report (HPR), revealing the Home Energy Rating System (HERS) Index for the project.
The HPR and HERS Index give homeowners a standard to measure energy efficiency by considering all home features and how ‘green-friendly’ they are. Ratings run on a scale of 0 to 150, the lower on the scale, the better. Minnesota’s average HERS rating hovers around 50, consistently ranking among the best in the nation for states that energy-test more than 1,000 homes.
HERS-tested homes are rated on things like exterior walls, HVAC system, water heating systems, leaks, quality insulation, seals, foundation, and air quality and flow to name a few.
Stonegate Builders, a longtime member of Housing First Minnesota and Designated Green Path Builder, was recently awarded January 2024 Builder of the Month by RESNET, the Residential Energy Services Network.
As a Designated Green Path Builder, Stonegate Builders is an industry leader in energy-efficient residential home construction. Designated Green Path Builders agree to test at minimum 75% of their newly built homes annually and attend professional development events.
“We have been a Green Path builder since the start,” shares Jake Lee, vice president at Stonegate Builders. “We want our clients to have the option to integrate greener components in their home if they desire it.”

Stonegate Builders tests between 80-125 homes per year and takes pride in both the look and function of every home.
“We’re very critical of our process behind the walls and quality assurance adherence,” Lee shares. “We partner with top-of-the-line products and installers to make sure that our homes can withstand all the Midwest can throw at it.”
Owning more energy-efficient homes remains a top concern for many homebuyers. Thanks to dedicated third-party testing organizations, committed green builders, and innovative partners, Minnesota remains a national leader in high-quality, green-friendly homes.