The 3rd Annual Housing Day at the Capitol was a smashing success on Monday. Together with members from the Minnesota REALTORS we had meetings with 61 state senators and 95 state representatives. That’s 78 percent of the Minnesota legislature!
This year’s event kicked off with an exciting rally at the Capitol rotunda where we heard from Speaker of the House Melissa Hortman, Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka, and House Minority Leader Kurt Daudt. All three echoed our efforts to promote housing affordability and more inventory options across the housing ecosystem.

From there members attended individual meetings with their legislators to discuss their local housing issues within the district as well as the housing legislation that is currently working its way through the legislative process.
Finally, the day rounded out with a reception in which BATC-Housing First Minnesota members and REALTORS further networked and continued the conversation with legislators that attended.
Check out photos from the day here.
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