February Employment Data Reflects Market Prior to Outbreak

Minnesota’s unemployment rate dropped a tenth of a percentage point...

April 2, 2020  By Kristen Ober

2020 Building Codes: Substantive Changes

With the new 2020 Building Code now in effect, the Minnesota Department...

April 1, 2020  By Nick Erickson

Single-Family Permits Climb in March

Despite growing concerns over COVID-19 and the impact it is having on the economy,...

March 31, 2020  By Katie Elfstrom

Congressional Coronavirus Economic Rescue Package

President Trump signed the largest economic relief package in United States...

March 30, 2020  By Kristen Ober

COVID-19 and Erosion Control

Following Governor Walz’s declaration of a state of peacetime emergency...

March 27, 2020  By Kristen Ober

COVID 19: Legislature Returns to Pass Relief Package

In an unprecedented move, the Minnesota Legislature officially recessed...

March 27, 2020  By Kristen Ober

Critical Service Designation Guidance and Resources

On March 24, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz issued Executive Order 20-20,...

March 26, 2020  By Nick Erickson

Minnesota Deems Homebuilding Essential

Governor Tim Walz signed Executive Order 20-20 establishing a shelter-in-place...

March 25, 2020  By Kristen Ober

U.S. Dept of Labor Releases ‘Families First Coronavirus Response Act’ Guidance

The United State Dept. of Labor announced guidance on how employees and employers can...

March 25, 2020  By Nick Erickson

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