The challenge of bringing the Southwest Light-Rail line just got more expensive and cumbersome, creating more questions for the controversial project. An analysis released Monday by the Metropolitan Council states that the rail line is going to take more time and an extra $341 million dollars.
Some BATC members have commented that, of all of the rail projects, the SWLRT has the most appeal for residential development. However with this news, it’s unclear what’s next for the project.
“The additional costs for the Southwest LRT Project pose significant challenges for our funding partners and taxpayers,” Adam Duininck, Met Council chairman, said in a statement that accompanied release of the analysis. “I will be talking with our funding partners, local communities, and legislative leaders to determine the future of this project — all options are on the table.”
The Star Tribune states that Governor Dayton was “shocked and appalled” when he was informed of the project’s additional cost, and he questioned whether it can actually be built.