BATC Creates Home Builder Advocate Network

The Builders Association of the Twin Cities is proud to announce the creation...

August 25, 2015  By Katie Elfstrom

Minnesota Loses Jobs in July

Minnesota eliminated 3,900 jobs in July, according to seasonally adjusted...

August 21, 2015  By Katie Elfstrom

Looking to fill management jobs? There’s a Career Fair for That!

If you have forthcoming hiring needs in the project management disciplines,...

August 18, 2015  By Katie Elfstrom

Builders’ Sentiment Inches Up

August builder sentiment continued its slow rise to a nine plus year high...

August 18, 2015  By Katie Elfstrom

The BATC Bash – Why We Want to Celebrate our Members

This year BATC decided we should spend an afternoon celebrating our members....

August 18, 2015  By Katie Elfstrom

Rate Rise in September?

The Federal Reserve dropped the federal funds rate to zero in late 2008....

August 11, 2015  By Katie Elfstrom

Three Ways the Trillium Awards Spread the Love

All you need is love! So let's spread it around. You all deserve credit...

August 11, 2015  By Katie Elfstrom

Beautiful Day for the 2015 BATC Open

We couldn't have picked better weather for this year's BATC Open! The tournament...

August 7, 2015  By Katie Elfstrom

Lead Paint RRP/PRE Rulemaking Process to Begin

Beginning in August, the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) will begin...

August 4, 2015  By Katie Elfstrom

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