The Case Against the Code: What You Need to Know

BATC Codes Legal Action Update In January BATC filed a legal petition...

June 16, 2015  By Katie Elfstrom

Builder Confidence Hits Yearly High

The NAHB/Wells Fargo Housing Market Index for June increased to 59, a five...

June 16, 2015  By Katie Elfstrom

Legislative Session 2015: The Wrap-Up

Locked in session since early January, the legislature has finalized its budget...

June 15, 2015  By Katie Elfstrom

The 4 Reasons Why You Need to Attend Eggs and Economics

This year's mid-year economic residential outlook breakfast perfectly titled...

June 15, 2015  By Katie Elfstrom

NAHB: Lot Shortage Hurting Housing Recovery

A recent survey conducted by NAHB revealed that 62 percent of builders...

June 12, 2015  By Katie Elfstrom

May Median Home Price Just Shy of a Record

Existing homes are selling at a higher price and selling fast. The Minneapolis...

June 11, 2015  By Katie Elfstrom

Builder’s Guide to Dodd-Frank Changes

On August 1st  The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection...

June 2, 2015  By Katie Elfstrom

EPA’s Final Water Rule Could be Headed Back to Court

The Environmental Protection Agency announced its final rule Saturday...

June 2, 2015  By Katie Elfstrom

Special Session Deal in the Works?

Two weeks after the regular adjournment of the 2015 Legislative Session,...

June 2, 2015  By Katie Elfstrom

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