Household Formation Highest in Decades

Is this the best news for home builders in nearly a decade? Household formations...

December 22, 2014  By Katie Elfstrom

3 Positives and a Negative for Housing

There's some good news and some bad news for the housing industry. Since...

December 16, 2014  By Katie Elfstrom

New Space for the “Blue Bird House”

Plans are underway! The BATC Foundation is helping to add a bedroom and family...

December 15, 2014  By Katie Elfstrom

New 3% Down Payments Will Open Doors

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac announced Monday that first-time home buyers...

December 10, 2014  By Katie Elfstrom

Minnesota Ranks High in State Management

Which state is the most well-run? Not Minnesota, but it comes in close...

December 8, 2014  By Katie Elfstrom

US Construction Spending Up 1.1 Percent in October

According to the Commerce Department U.S. Construction spending is up 1.1 percent,...

December 5, 2014  By Katie Elfstrom

MN Projects $1B Budget Surplus

Minnesota finance officials say lawmakers have a $1 billion projected surplus...

December 4, 2014  By Katie Elfstrom

Walking and Biking More Common in New Neigborhoods

It's seems new homes and neighborhoods may encourage families to take more...

December 3, 2014  By Katie Elfstrom

Transportation Debate Awaits Legislature

Roads and bridges, transit, gas taxes, and the on-going debate about Millennials...

December 1, 2014  By James Vagle

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