WCCO Sprinkler Mandate Interview

Fair Fight WCCO Radio Interview: BATC President Shawn Nelson and Chris...

May 14, 2014  By Dawnita Parmely

Sprinkler Mandate Debate Reaches Critical Moment

This morning, BATC-supported language was introduced in the Senate Bonding...

May 5, 2014  By Dawnita Parmely

Foundation Awards Scholarship Recipients

The BATC Foundation was pleased to reinstate its scholarship program this...

April 29, 2014  By Dawnita Parmely

Minimum Wage Deal Reached by DFL Leaders

In one of the most closely-watched issues of the session, DFL leaders appear...

April 8, 2014  By Dawnita Parmely

Full City Council to Vote on Moratorium This Friday

The City of Minneapolis’ Zoning and Planning Committee voted unanimously...

April 8, 2014  By Dawnita Parmely

House-Hold Spending

Guest blog by Elliot Eisenberg, Ph.D., GraphsandLaughs, LLC Before the Great...

April 7, 2014  By Dawnita Parmely

Legislature: Second Policy Deadline Update

The second policy deadline in the legislature requires policy bills to have...

April 1, 2014  By Dawnita Parmely

Got Jobs? Join our Job and Career Fair!

Need workers? Make sure you get a table at our second annual Job and Career...

March 31, 2014  By Dawnita Parmely

BATC Hits It Out of the Park This Year

The Builders & Remodelers Show (BRS) was named BEST INDUSTRY TRADE...

March 27, 2014  By Dawnita Parmely

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