First Look at New Building Codes Expected This Month

For the past year, the technical and legal staff at the Minnesota Department...

June 4, 2019  By Nick Erickson

Legislative Update: Housing Affordability Commission Becomes Law. Now What?

On Friday, Governor Walz signed the State Government Finance omnibus bill...

June 3, 2019  By Mark Foster

The May Hot Sheet

“The continued drop in single-family permits is concerning, as the housing...

May 31, 2019  By Katie Elfstrom

Legislature Adjourns: Housing Industry Round-Up

The legislature has officially adjourned the 2019 special session, sending...

May 29, 2019  By Katie Elfstrom

Membership Anniversaries | May

This month, we’re toasting to 16 member companies that are celebrating...

May 28, 2019  By Laura 

Announcing Our 2019 Scholarship Recipients

This year, BATC-Housing First Minnesota and the BATC-Housing First Minnesota...

May 23, 2019  By Laura 

Legislative Update: Session Gaveled Out. Now What?

After days of closed-door negotiations Governor Walz, Speaker Hortman...

May 21, 2019  By Mark Foster

Legislative Update: Greater Transparency for Building Permits

Earlier today, SF 998, a bill that would allow applicants to request an estimate...

May 14, 2019  By Mark Foster

Blogging Best Practices

If you’re adding content marketing to your overall marketing strategy,...

May 9, 2019  By Laura 

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