Legislative Update: Two Months Left, Where Do Things Stand?

With just under 2 months until the legislature adjourns, the many pieces...

March 28, 2017  By Mark Foster

The BRS Experience

Over 1,000 Builders, Remodelers and Interior Designers all in one spot...

March 27, 2017  By Laura 

The March Hot Sheet

INSIDE THE MARCH HOT SHEET “Some pull back in housing production is unsurprising...

March 22, 2017  By Katie Elfstrom

Regulatory Update: Busy Week As BATC Meets With All Key Regulatory Agencies

In addition to all the activity at the legislature last week, BATC’s...

March 21, 2017  By Nick Erickson

Legislative Update: Housing Affordability Takes Center Stage

We've officially reached the half-way point of the legislative session....

March 17, 2017  By Mark Foster

The Eisenberg Report: Immigration and its Economic Impacts

Recently, Senator Tom Cotton from Arkansas and Senator David Perdue from...

March 14, 2017  By Katie Elfstrom

Lumber Prices Rise in 2017

Since the start of 2017, the price of framing lumber is up 15%.  According...

March 14, 2017  By Katie Elfstrom

Regulatory Update: BATC Ramps Up Regulatory Game

On Friday, March 10, BATC held the first meeting of its Regulatory Affairs...

March 10, 2017  By Nick Erickson

Legislative Update: BATC Initiatives Continue Through First Deadline

As is the case each session, our primary goal is to protect the industry...

March 10, 2017  By Mark Foster

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