Unintended Consequences and Slower GDP Growth

By Elliot Eisenberg, Ph.D., GraphsandLaughs, LLC October 2014 Over the past...

October 10, 2014  By Dawnita Parmely

Past and Current BATC Directors Came Together Last Night

A great time was had by all at BATC's Directors Dinner held last evening...

October 1, 2014  By Dawnita Parmely

BATC’s Comment on Met Council’s Housing Policy Plan

Thrive 2040 Comment Dear Chair Haigh, I am submitting this letter...

September 28, 2014  By Dawnita Parmely

The National Debt: Growing but More Slowly

Elliot Eisenberg, Ph.D., GraphsandLaughs, LLC The federal debt routinely...

September 9, 2014  By Dawnita Parmely

Housing First 2014 Campaign

BATC’s Housing First Fund has launched its first Independent Expenditures...

September 9, 2014  By Dawnita Parmely

BATC Enters Partnership with Minnesota Homes Matter

Builders Association of the Twin Cities (BATC) is proud to announce a new partnership...

September 8, 2014  By Dawnita Parmely

Powerful Partnerships

Being a BATC sponsor is a great way to support the industry, but it's also...

August 18, 2014  By Dawnita Parmely

Kate the Great

Our BATC Foundation is excited to announce their second project with Special...

July 31, 2014  By Dawnita Parmely

OSHA Increases Enforcement

NAHB, July 22, 2014 - There are strong signs that OSHA is increasing its enforcement...

July 29, 2014  By Dawnita Parmely

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